
Diabetes Education

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Type 2 Diabetes - Know Where You Stand

Are you at risk for type 2 diabetes? Take this online test from the American Diabetes Association to find out where you stand (also available for PDF download).

Aging & Diabetes

Diabetes can be challenging to manage, particularly as you get older and risks for complications increase. Knowledge is power and the National Institute on Aging serves as a resource for you, providing information and tips to on managing this disease.

Diabetes 101

Did you know, as we age, our risk for diabetes increases? Learn more facts like this from the American Diabetes Association.

Prediabetes – What You Need to Know

One in three American adults have prediabetes. What is it and are you at risk?

Recipe: Eating with Diabetes

Looking for a new diabetes-friendly dish? Visit the American Diabetes Association's Diabetes Food Hub for some delicious recipes.

New to Type 2 Diabetes?

Receiving a diabetes diagnosis can be overwhelming. The American Diabetes Association offers a wealth of information that can help you understand how to live well with diabetes.

Medication Adherence & RX Wellness

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(Coming Soon)

End-of-Life Care & Advanced Directive

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Planning Your Care

At any age, planning for your care in the event you’re unable to express your wishes is important. If you haven’t already, start planning today.

Advance Directive Notification Card

Download and print your Advance Directive Notification Card from the American Hospital Association today.

Q&A: Advance Directives

Planning for the future can be challenging. When it comes to your health care, putting your wishes in writing can be especially challenging.

Advance Directives: State by State Info.

Download the Advance Directive form for your sate, provided by AARP.

Planning for the Future

Making sure your loved ones know your health care wishes is important but it’s not the only advance planning you need to do. The National Institute on Aging offers a host of information to guide you.

Grieving a Spouse

No one is prepared to deal with one of life’s most devastating moments—the loss of the person you built a life with. The National Institute on Aging provides some tips you may find helpful during this difficult time.

Case Management

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(Coming Soon)

Counseling with Pharmacists

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(Coming Soon)

Senior Health

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Preventing a Fall with Exercise

Falling is never easy to recover from but it can be especially challenging as our bodies age. A recent NPR article features a study conducted by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, which found to reduce your risk of falling, engaging in regular exercise habits may be most effective.

Staying in the driver’s seat

Safe driving is dependent on our abilities. As we get older our bodies change, which can impact our abilities. If you’re questioning whether or not you should stop driving, there are a few considerations to make.

Maintaining Flexibility

Our bodies are constantly changing and as things change, it becomes even more important to maintain flexibility. Learn some tips to help improve your mobility.


Don’t limit yourself when it comes to taking care of your physical health. Learn more about exercise equipment so you can live a healthy life.


A high blood pressure diagnosis can be confusing. Learn more about things you can do to help manage and control it.


As a health care consumer, you may feel obligated to agree when your doctor suggests surgery. Before you make a decision, talk to them about possible risks and complications that come with it.